Dylan kort #939 - aanvullingen

Vergeet niet het door Bonne geschreven stuk over Tempest (hieronder) te lezen.
Stevie Ann zong Dylan (& Joni Mitchell, maar dat boeit niet): Zie hier. [met dank aan Dirk voor de tip]
Dylan in boeken: 'The sun always shone in East Germany - it was April, and by chance there was a heatwave. There were expeditions into the forest to hunt for morels, there were friendly neighbours, everyone encouraged her German, someone had a guitar and knew some Dylan songs, there was a good-looking boy with three fingers on one hand who was keen on her.' (Ian McEwan - Sweet tooth) [met dank aan Hilda voor de tip]
DaMusic: 'Dylan kanshebber Nobelprijs literatuur?' Zie hier.

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