
Dylan kort #323

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De 40 beste albums van 2009 op Hoochiekoochie.
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Op speciaal verzoek van Rob nog een fragment uit Lost in Juarez (zie eerder bericht):

'What do you listen to?' she asked, taking a quick glance around the room to make sure she was free for a few seconds' chat.
'Dylan,' he said, shrugging. He'd had so much abuse for his addiction over the years that he had grown used to apologising for it.
'Wow,' she said. 'I love Dylan.'
Occasionally he also received that reaction. He returned the smile.
'Sure. I saw him in Vancouver in, I don't know, 2004 maybe.'
'July,' said Weston, 21st. That's the last time he played One Too Many Mornings. That's a great song. I expect he'll play it again sometime.'
She smiled curiously at him.
'That's, em, freakish...'
'I did this thing. You know, looked at his set lists, worked out the last time he'd played each of his songs.'
'Oh my God. So how many times have you seen him?'
'I generally don't tell people in case they think I'm weird,' he said.
She laughed. 'Oh, that's OK, I'm already there.'
Weston joined her laugh. Recognised the signs.
'One hundred and fifty-seven,' he said slowly.
'Oh my God...'
'A lot of that, I should say, was one tour when I followed him around North America, saw every night of a sixty-one date tour.'
'Man, why did you do that?'
'Writing a book. Of course, my editor didn't want to publish it, but I had fun. Met a few people on the road.'
'You meet Dylan?'
'Nah. Don't really want to.'

Voor diegene die zich afvragen of het allemaal wel klopt: de laatste keer dat Dylan One too many mornings live speelde was op 21 juli 2005 in Vancouver, zie hier.
De tour door Noord Amerika bestaande uit 61 concerten heb ik niet gevonden, de enige tournee die ik kon vinden die in de buurt komt is de tournee van 1978 met 65 concerten in Amerika.

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