
Theme Time Radio Hour 3-9: Famous people

Mighty Sparrow - Jack Palance
(Elvis Presley - Fame and Fortune)
Janis Martin - My Boy Elvis
Ian Dury & The Blockheads - Sweet Gene Vincent
King Stitt - Lee Van Cleef
They Might Be Giants - Meet James Ensor
Dinah Washington - Christopher Columbus
Charlie Adams - Hey Liberace!
Ken Lazarus & Keith Lyn - Beatles Got to Go
(Paul Bley - Ida Lupino)
Bill Cox - Fate of Will Rogers & Wiley Post
(Jack Kerouac - I'd Rather Be Thin than Famous)
The Clash - The Right Profile
(Montgomery Clift on critics)
Leadbelly - Jean Harlow
(Prez Prado - Marilyn Monroe Mambo)
Simon & Garfunkel - So Long, Frank Lloyd Wright

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